Intrusive but Pointless Inspection
City inspectors get into every bedroom, including teenage girls', and look in every kitchen and bathroom cabinet and behind every shower curtain.
And if they can't find any violation inside, they'll find an exterior violation like an unpainted former doggy door!
To find something like that, why does the city have to get inside of the house?
The ordinance says "Any rental unit that has a habitability score of less than 85 must be re-inspected until the rental unit achieves a habitability score of 85 or greater." However, even if you score 85 or higher, they will still find something that has nothing to with habitability or tenants' safety or health and come back to make sure it has been repaired.
What the city is doing is "Regardless of the score, any rental unit must be re-inspected until the rental unit achieves a habitability score of 100." This is just like Garland's original (pre-lawsuit) program.
Another case of the city staff not following the ordinance.